Congrevape Ignition RDA
The Ignition RDA by Congrevape is precisely tuned and engineered by the critically acclaimed design house that brought you the DOGE series, integrating Congrevape's first two-post build deck, Ceramic CV-TIPSYS drip tip, precision parallelogram airflow control, and superior machining of parts and details throughout the structure. Expanding upon the rich heritage of the DOGE line-up, the Ignition RDA deploys a spacious 18mm two-post build deck that is build friendly and efficient by design. Positioning and inserting coil leads is done within the 2.5mm diameter terminal posts, top-secured via Phillips screws with a flat surface area to increase contact with each lead. Each screws and the positive post are manufactured out of C110 Food-Grade Copper, within the Corrosion-Proof SAE 304 Steel structure, to ensure consistent and strong conductivity throughout the platform. Airflow enters the Ignition RDA's chamber directly on the side of the 22mm diameter chassis, adopting four laser cut parallelograms that optimizes direct-to-coil delivery, focusing on rapid and smooth airflow channels with airflow adjustment that can be throttled all the way down to a closed, flavor-focused option. The Ignition RDA implements Congrevape's 11mm widebore with VC-TIPSYS connection, constructed out of ceramic with a beautiful black polish finish, greatly reduces heat transfers and practically thrives in high heat situations. Beautifully designed with modern refinements in rebuildable technology, the Ignition RDA by Congrevape epitomizes the performance platform of every builder's dream.
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• 22mm Diameter
• 5mm Deep Juice Well
• Corrosion-Proof SAE 304 Stainless Steel Construction
• 11mm Black Ceramic Competition Bore - CV-TIPSYS Connection
• 18mm Spacious Build Chamber
• Two-Post, Single Terminal Design
• Top-Secured via Flathead Phillips Screw
• Deckmilled Negative
• C110 Food-Grade Copper Positive Post
• PEEK Insulator
• Four Laser Cut Parallelograms - Spark AFC System
• Gold-Plated Brass 510 Connection
• 1 Ignition RDA
• 1 Extra PEEK Insulator
• 1 Extra 510 Pin
• 1 Extra Positive Pin
• Spare Parts and O-Rings