WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

New Look, Still Vaping with Confidence

Hello fellow vaper, we've made a pretty big update to our website, and we wanted to fill you in on what's new!

The new layout was made with one thing in mind "Let's make it as easy as we can for people to find the vapes their looking for". While our old site was doing great, unfortunately there were quite a few issues in regards to how fast the site was running for folks. For some it would load pages instantly, others would take a while for searches to pop up and pages to load.

After careful consideration, we decided to make a change for the better of everyone by simplifying the layout and overall theme of Vapor Empire.

Rest assured, if you're a regular with us you'll still find the vapes you love at the best prices possible. The only thing that's changed is now you can get to those sweet vapes even easier. You'll start to see all our collections display better filtering options like flavor, battery size, capacity etc.

Thank you all for you continued support, and keep on Vaping with Confidence!

- Vapor Empire Team