Posted by Jason B. on Aug 5th 2020
SB 793 Passes Assembly
Jerry Hill with the support of numerous wealthy associations, passes SB 793 and now it's final stop is the desk of CA governor Gavin Newsom.
SB 793 Passes CA Assembly Health Committee
Posted by Jason B. | August 5th, 2020
Legislation to end all flavored tobacco product sales in-store..... including e-cigarettes
California senator Jerry Hill is the main author for the Senate Bill No. 793 which adds onto the existing (STAKE) Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act. This law, "...prohibits a person from selling or otherwise furnishing tobacco products, as defined, to a person 21 years of age.
No one wants the youth to start vaping, it is a cure for the currently nicotine addicted populous to ditch traditional combustible cigarettes. So originally, the STAKE act was a good thing because it made bad people selling adult products to young people a crime.
Jerry Hill among about 20 co-authors decided the STAKE act wasn't good enough, and the only way to stop youth from getting access (illegally) to e-cigarettes was to ban them almost entirely. SB 793 would prohibit a tobacco retail store fronts, from selling or possessing with intent to sell, any flavored or flavor enhancing tobacco products.
Something interesting to note is when Jerry Hill published a news release on August 4th, the title of the article associated the ban as a win towards fixing the COVID-19 pandemic. The title is, "Landmark Legislation to Protect Public Health Amid COVID-19 Resurgence Passes Asm. Health Committee". The question of e-cigarettes being linked with elevated symptoms of COVID has been debunked numerous times, but still our congressmen and congresswomen feel inclined that studies are wrong.
Associating Vaping with Big Tobacco
Jerry Hill's statement repeatedly associates the vaping industry with the tobacco industry. Whats strange about this is vaping was created to combat combustible cigarettes by Hon Lik, and is the reason for the massive decline in cigarette users.
Hill says the Senate bill is California's best shot at halting Big Tobacco in its tracks by halting the sale of minty-sweet menthol cigarettes and other candy-flavored tobacco products. Jerry Hill is right (probably not intentionally) where most if not all sales of e-cigarettes take place at mom-and-pop gas stations and liquor stores.
If he leaves online sales alone, then there is a possibility SB 793 would do the trick and stop the youth from purchasing e-cigarettes. We'll just have to wait and see.
The California Medical Association commends the Assembly Health Committee’s commitment to ending youth tobacco use by passing SB 793,
- CMA President Peter N. Bretan, Jr.
What Now?
The final step in Jerry Hill's senate bill to consider the youth over the general populations freedom, is SB 793 reaching the CA governor Gavin Newsom's desk. There he can decide to veto the bill or sign it into effect, with a start date of January 1st 2021. This is more than likely not the end of the unjust war on vaping, it's up to all of us to put out the most reputable studies and news to our communities about the benefits of vaping versus tobacco. Remember, this Senate bill doesn't affect online sales yet, so don't fret. We can still provide and get access to the best and safest smoke-free alternative in the world through the beauty of the internet.